8. Zafer Kandemir, P. D'Amico, G. Sesti, C. Cardoso, M. V. Milovšević, and C. Sevik, "Optical properties of metallic MXene multilayers through advanced first-principles calculations." Physical Review Materials, 8.075201 (2024).
7. Zafer Kandemir, E. Torun, F. Paleari, C. Yelgel, and C. Sevik, "Surface termination dependence of electronic and optical properties in Ti2CO2 MXene monolayers." Physical Review Materials, 6.026001 (2022).
6. M. Barłóg, C. Yavuz, A. K. Ali, Zafer Kandemir, M. Comí, H. S. Bazzi, M. Al-Hashimi, and S. Erten-Ela, "An electron rich indaceno [2, 1-b: 6, 5-b′] dithiophene derivative as a high intramolecular charge transfer material in dye sensitized solar cells." New Journal of Chemistry 45.5 (2021): 2734-2741.
5. F. Sahiner, A. K. Ali, S. Denizaltı, Zafer Kandemir, and S. Erten-Ela. "Naphthalene imides as novel p-type sensitizers for NiO-based p-type dye-sensitized solar cells." New Journal of Chemistry 44.36 (2020): 15526-15537.
4. S. Mayda, Zafer Kandemir, N. Bulut, and S. Maekawa. "Magnetic mechanism for the biological functioning of hemoglobin." Scientific reports 10.1 (2020): 1-7.
3. S. Mayda, Zafer Kandemir, and N. Bulut. "Future applications of artificially-synthesized organic molecules containing transition-metal atoms." Handbook of Nanomaterials for Industrial Applications. Elsevier, 2018. 386-391.
2. S. Mayda, Zafer Kandemir, and N. Bulut. "Electronic structure of cyanocobalamin: DFT+ QMC study." Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism 30.11 (2017): 3301-3308.
1. Zafer Kandemir, S. Mayda, and N. Bulut. "Electronic structure and correlations of vitamin B 12 studied within the Haldane-Anderson impurity model." The European Physical Journal B 89.5 (2016): 1-21.
Conferences and Workshops
14. Zafer Kandemir, “Comparison of Various Computational Approaches to the Electronic Structures of Organic Molecules Containing Transition-Metal Atoms”, (Oral Presentation Seminar (English) –
Prof. Dr. Oğuz Gülseren) at June 17th, 2020, 02:00 pm – Bilkent University, Ankara.
13. Zafer Kandemir, “Comparison of Various Computational Approaches to the Electronic Structures of Bioinorganic Molecules”, (Oral presentation-Turkish), 26. İstatiksel Fizik Günleri 27 - 29 Haziran 2019 – Izmir Institute of Technology.
12. 8. Yoğun Madde Fiziği İzmir Toplantısı, Izmir Institute of Technology, 19 Nisan 2019, (Participant).
11. Zafer Kandemir, “Rutenyum Atomu İçeren Boya Moleküllerin Elektronik ve Manyetik Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi”, (Oral presentation-Turkish), 25. İstatiksel Fizik Günleri 28 - 30 Haziran 2018 – Izmir Institute of Technology.
10. Selma Mayda, Zafer Kandemir and Nejat Bulut, “Comparison of the electronic structures of the three vitamin B12 cofactors” Poster presented at the 6th International Conference on Superconductivity and Magnetism (ICSM-2018), 29th April – 4th May 2018, Kemer, Antalya/Turkey.
9. The 6th International Conference on Superconductivity and Magnetism (ICSM-2018), on Spring School and Educational Courses, 24th – 28th April 2018, Kemer, Antalya/Turkey.
8. Zafer Kandemir, “Ortalama alan Yaklaşımı Kullanarak Hemoglobin Molekülünün Elektronik ve Manyetik Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi”, (Oral presentation-Turkish), 24. İstatiksel Fizik Günleri 29 Haziran - 1 Temmuz 2017 – Izmir Institute of Technology.
7. ICTP-ECAR - Izmir Institute of Technology, 2017, (Participant)
6. Selma Mayda, Zafer Kandemir and Nejat Bulut, “Vitamin B12’nin elektronik özelliklerinin orbitaller-arası Coulomb etkileşimleri içeren Haldane-Anderson modeli çerçevesinde incelenmesi”, 5. Yoğun Madde Fiziği İzmir Toplantısı, Izmir Institute of Technology, 15 Nisan 2016, (Poster Presentation-Turkish)
5. Selma Mayda, Zafer Kandemir and Nejat Bulut, “Vitamin B12'nin Elektronik Yapısının Haldane-Anderson Modeli Çerçevesinde İncelenmesi”, 4. Yoğun Madde Fiziği İzmir Toplantısı, Izmir Institute of Technology, 17 Nisan 2015, (Poster Presentation-Turkish).
4. Zafer Kandemir, “Yoğunluk fonksiyonel kuramını kullanarak metaloproteinlerin elektronik yapısının Haldane-Anderson modeliyle incelenmesi”, 3. Yoğun Madde Fiziği İzmir Toplantısı, Izmir Institute of Technology, 11 Nisan 2014, (Poster Presentation-Turkish).
3. Zafer Kandemir and Nejat Bulut, “Yoğunluk Fonksiyoneli Kuramını Kullanarak Metaloproteinlerin Elektronik Yapısının Haldane-Anderson Modeli Çerçevesinde Betimlenmesi” 1. Yoğun Madde Fiziği İzmir Toplantısı, Izmir Institute of Technology, 6 Nisan 2012, (Poster Presentation-Turkish).
2. 19. İstanbul İstatistiksel Fizik Günleri | 28-30 Haziran 2012, (Participant).
1. Lisans Öğrencileri için Fizik Yaz Kampı, 24-29 Haziran 2010, Bilkent University, Ankara/Turkey.